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Jimna Landcare Festival 2022

We were honoured to have been able to participate in the Jimna Landcare Festival on Saturday 19th March, hosted by the Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare group.

Much gratitude to all the volunteers from BVKL who helped to make this event the success that it was. All who attended reported that they enjoyed the opportunity to discuss landcare issues with others who also wish to find better ways of caring for our environment. We had many visitors to our FotF stall & engaging conversations ensued around the topics of soil health, microbiology, worm farms, wildlife care, nest-box-building from recycled materials, endangered species, weed management alternatives, local conservation issues & concerns.

We were also joined by members of the Esk Residents group, who presented a display of photography by local landholders of native endangered species at Mt Glen Rock in Esk. They were encouraging people to provide input to Somerset Regional Council, as was requested on their website via a survey, regarding the proposed Adventure Park development at Mt.Glen Rock.

Many thanks to Dr.Sandra Tuszynska for providing information on how to establish & retain healthy soil microbiota & therefore land, forest & waterway health. Click here to see her latest article.

Many thanks also to Bob Simpson for his prototype of a flow-through worm farm & for constructing the possum nesting box from recycled materials, which we had on display.

A few of us were able to attend the talk on Koalas by Dr Celine Frere on the day. It was very insightful (albeit distressing) & highlighted the need for greater protections for the survival of not only our iconic koalas, but all our native species, who rely on very specific habitats & native vegetation for their survival. Her research showed that a critical point has already been reached & the need to work together with Regional Councils & other organisations to find best outcomes is crucial for the survival of our native species into the future.

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